Washerz Rules
- Every player must have a drink in hand. (nonalcoholic of course)
- First one to 21 with out going over wins. If over, score goes back to 16.
- Boxes are 7 paces apart (21 feet for the mathematically challenged).
- Kicking and punching are not allowed, though antagonizing is recommended.
- Each player must stand on one end of the court and throw two washers, at the pit not at other players.
- Last team/person to score up/down goes first.
Points are as followes:
- Players foot length away = 1 pt.
- “Leaner” (against or on the box) = 2 pt.
- In the box = 3 pt.
- “Xlean” (against cylinder) = 4 pt. i. (happened at beer camp)
- Cylinder = 5 pt.
In no way is the game maker responsible for injury, spilled drink, loss of money, or anything else that is possible under the influence of the game. . . Have Fun. -Dave- (Gamemaker)
Scoring Examples: